|RConstitution:|N Monarchy. Part of the British dependency of St Helena.
|RNature and climate:|N Vulcanic island 250 km southwest of St Helena and halfway between Cape of Good Hope and the South American continent. Highest peak reaches 2 042 m.a.s.l.
Mild climate with little variation through the year. Average temperature in July 18 to 24°C and in January 24 to 29°C.
Percipitation between 300 and 900 mm.
|RPeople:|N Originally inhabited by shipwrecked sailors and soldiers who stayed when the St Helena garrison was withdrawn in 1817.
|REconomy:|N Agriculture and stockfarming.
Tristan da Cunha have several stations for meteorology and radiocommunications.
|RHistory:|N To Tristan da Cunha belongs the Gough Island 350 km southwards, with a meteorological station, as well as the uninhabited Inaccessible Island 30 km westward and the three Nightingale Islands 30 km southward.
Administrated as a dependency under St Helena since 1938.
The volcano at Tristan da Cunha, believed to be extinct, erupted unexpectantly in october 1961. The population was evacuated to Great Britain. They returned in 1963. They all live in Edinburgh.